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Note: Details of all the projects below can be had from Dr. Qaiser Abbas
Handwritten Text Recognition
This project has the half way passed, which will be able to recognize the handwritten Urdu text. At present, its scope is open to full text which will be narrowed according to the time limitations.
Morphological Analyzer
Automatic Morphological Analyzer project is almost finished. At present, its scope is limited to Urdu verbs and does not address other classes which will be handled soon. It handles all the morphological forms of Urdu verbs without any training data or database. It is a good example of efficient rule based approach. This has been done by Mr. Muhammad Waseem (MS Student) who is currently busy in finishing up his thesis writing.
Urdu Spell Checker
Urdu spell checker (USC) includes the development of real time spell checker for Urdu. This application will be used on embedded/non-embedded devices.
Urdu to English Machine Translation
Urdu to English automatic translation includes the development of a state of the art tool, which can be used to help out during the conversation of two different people speaking or writing on machines in two different languages.
Linguistic Annotation GUI
This project contains the development of a graphical user interface (GUI), through which linguists can annotate the sentences not only for the indegeneous languages of Pakistan but can be any.
Saraiki Treebank in parallel to the URDU.KON-TB treebank
A Saraiki treebank parallel to the URDU.KON-TB treebank will be constructed, which will further provide a grammar and parsing of Saraiki sentences from the existing parser.
Punjabi Treebank in parallel to the URDU.KON-TB treebank
Another parallel work to the URDU.KON-TB treebank for Punjabi will be done in this project, which will provide a grammar and parsing of Punjabi sentences from the existing parser.
The URDU.KON-TB Treebank Extension
Version II (2015-to date): In this project, the size of the URDU.KON-TB treebank will be enhanced in terms of annotated sentences along with increasing the size of grammar in the Urdu parser. This project is in process. Miss Bushra Saleem, Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Sargodha, PK is working on this project under the supervision of Dr. Qaiser Abbas and will be completed at the end of 2016.
The URDU.KON-TB Treebank Version I (2011-2015): Click on the Version I of the URDU.KON-TB treebank to see the details
The Urdu Parser Version I (2011-2015): Click on the Version I of the Urdu Parser to see the details
Developing the computational grammars of different Pakistani languages in parallel in the Lexical Functional Grammar framework.
Developing the machine translations systems for different pairs of Pakistani languages.