Dr. Qaiser Abbas
PhD in Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing, Germany (HEC Approved Supervisor), Department of Computer Science & IT, University of of Sargodha
My main research focus is in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computational Linguistics (CL) under the umbrella of Computer Science, with specific emphasis on statistical approaches, computational models and science to identify and extract information, building linguistically motivated computational methods to enhance language engineering. Part of this work is empirical: identifying and developing methods, which lead to measureable improvements on natural language problems. Part of the work is more resource building: aiming to develop non-existing resources for languages that applied to languages, and to add to the repertoire of algorithms and techniques used in NLP.
There are several goals of this work. One aim is to have a serious impact on real-world problems involving NLP. Example applications are machine translation, and information extraction and search applied to digital libraries or the web. Another goal is to enhance our understanding of issues of computation and NLP, particularly issues concerning computational learning of language. Finally, in the longer term I hope that the research will shed light on questions of how humans acquire and process language.
While my primary focus is on NLP, a good deal of my research has focused on connections to the machine learning (ML), information retrieval (IR), text processing (TP), artificial intelligence (AI) and statistics literature. In current year, I published papers at the following platforms: Natural Language Engineering (Cambridge University), Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (University of Malaya) and Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (Hong Kong). Last year, I published papers at the following: Computer Applications (US) and Association of Computational Linguistics (US). In general, I believe that making connections between NLP and other areas of computer science and AI can be extremely fruitful. Other related domains are speech recognition, computational biology, and cognitive psychology and work in reasoning under uncertainty in AI
For more information on my activities, you can visit a website to see my other works and activities.
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